Reduce Progressives?

May 3, 2012

This year we have already seen online slots pay out more than $10,000,000 multiple times, we actually almost hit the $20,000,000 mark with the huge Mega Fortunes pay out, which smashed the world record for a single win jackpot some months back. We ask if progressive jackpots are getting to big? Should they be limited?

Consider what happened in the UK the first time the National Lottery broke the 20,000,000 GBP barrier. The UK Government instantly contacted Virgin (who were administrating the UK National Lottery at the time) and told them that this was too much to pay to a single national lottery winner, and that in future they would need to disburse such large amounts to multiple winners. The threat which made this happen was a proposed change to UK gambling legislation if Virgin didn’t play ball.

Now consider the fact that in the USA, we are only now beginning to see gambling legislation relaxed, to allow cross state gambling, which opens up a whole new market to online gambling companies and online casino operators.

So what happens when the US Government takes a similar attitude to the UK Government and starts making noises about limiting individual cash pay outs? The whole situation, which has been opening up very nicely in recent months, will be set back decades.

What can online casino operators do to stop this? Well they could start capping each single progressive jackpot at $10,000,000. No need to stop increasing the jackpot, just add it to a secondary pool which comes into play once the capped $10,000,000 pool has been won. This is a win win situation for every online casino, as right now, every progressive jackpot hunter ignores any jackpot pool which is empty. Imagine if Beach Life was capped at $10,000,000 and it had $4,000,000 in the secondary pool if it was won? People would still keep playing! Any online casino operators out there reading this, We have just solved you biggest single problem with this idea, feel free to contact us to discuss how much it will cost you to buy this idea from us!

Seriously, let’s keep these jackpots down so that we don’t attract the evil eye of the world governments and the tax department. We all want to win a million or more, but let’s make sure we maintain the ability to in to the future.

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